I just wish this had a bit more exposure down in the States. E: I had fun, really. It was shot in Vancouver and I talked to Wes after he finished it. E: Pretty good, thank you! In COLOR! Perhaps we are wrong. .. We'd sit and talk about playing guitar. MP: So, on the set then, he would just do a scene and then go off by himself? I wouldn't MP: That's about a hundred years or so. MOHICAN WWW BOARD. I guess it worked out. These kids were so awesome, they just blew me away. I don't believe MP: As you know, our web site centers on The Last of the Mohicans. MP: It didn't leave you craving for the city lights? A film that tries to cover too much historical ground at least 40 years in too little screen time and winds up becoming a bore because of it. ES: Oh yeah, Lake James. For some, those are scenes that evoke a sense of the times more than any other .. they really hit you. Eric Schweig in War Of The Worlds - Dust To Dust (1989) morakina23 64K views 11 years ago A Millennial Job Interview Dream Reach Media 12M views 4 years ago What It Takes To Be A Good Leader:. I don't use it. E: No, I don't think so at all. So, it it is somewhat difficult to have to knock his words. I: Well, obviously you did most of all the work yourself, but did you have a stunt person? MP: Okay. All they had to do was put at the end of the movie, " All these characters are based on fiction". We sort of guessed at what they would One in particular was your party's arrival at Fort William Henry. Anyway, Vern picked it up one day and said "Hey, this is wild, man. MP: So, I get the impression you didn't like Red River much. Mohican Press - ALL Not Chimney Rock was that Chimney Rock? Who is Eric Schweig? You've given a positive image of a Native American. I've been around horses. I: There is a very soft, subtle love story between you and Alice. Or, do you even think it should be an issue? PATHFINDING || of the interview, we felt comfortable with him, and he with us. have anything to do with carving. But when someone shouts at me, I shout back! anti-anybody. RM F6H5NG - Jan 14, 2002; Hollywood, CA, USA; ERIC SCHWEIG (left) as Rudy Yellow Lodge and GRAHAM GREENE as Mogie Yellow Lodge in the crime drama ''Skins'' directed by Chris Eyre. How would he feel if film directors did not use native people in native roles? He's a hard worker. You know Wes Studi's got his own film company and he's doing . [Wardancer Film Group] and I saw the most amazing art work in this school. E: No, I didn't. Also the music by Daniel Lanois, a French-Canadian composer. Uhm hmm. An anger at the people who made the film and some of those who were cast in it. ES: No. ES: Madeleine.. She was fine, you know. He is corrupt and if he can't get what he wants done one way, he'll get it done another. I wish they wouldn't. ES: Yeah. ES: Yeah. He worked most of the time. scripted, which was more than "puppy love". We were particularly struck by his comments pertaining to children which seemed What was your relationship like with those two actors? But they didn't want to shave his hair, so they gave into us. But you know, it's expected. The Indian guys were okay. Those guys running around in the wool were so uncomfortable. E: I caught that myself! There's absolutely no guarantee, but if I'm not doing anything MP: Well, I hate to say "great" that you're not working, but if you're not working it would be great if you could come. I didn't think it would make this much money! Hollywood for many years, echoed public perception and stereotyped the culture. And we didn't finish till, I don't know, 11, 12 something like that, anyway. discussing The Last of the Mohicans, but became extremely animated when talking about certain topics, particularly his masks and his involvement in a children's drama group. Other than that, everybody got along. MP: Yeah, Chimney Rock. It was an alternative school for troubled teens who couldn't cope with a regular school curriculum so they booted them all out and put them all in a big building. in place of the word. And it has a real If they were operable it would have been more fun. A lot of these people are among your biggest fans, which is why many of them came to our web site in the first place. His filmographic credentials include a slew of TV series such as . They just. a lot of it was really dark but it was incredible. I love working with everyone on it. But people still, especially kids who have this .. it changes the way they see things. There's this woman Claudia who's the COURIER || It doesn't matter what tribe we are from, what color we are, or what socioeconomic background we come fromand usually it is pretty shitty in Indian country. SOUNDTRACK || We invite your comments on our comments, or on the interview, on the It wasn't too heavy. They were doing illegal tampering with time cards, skimming hours off time cards and the make-up artists went on strike. So, while you guys were filming this did you have any sense of bonding? They reminded me of me. out but don't stay out too late. I keep trying to get people to get into acting so we have someone who can focus on just being a funny guy or a bad guy or a psycho or a love interest. It would seem that carving is the next step or natural progression of skills you already have. Guide book STILL EARLY MUSINGS || MP: Do you have any relationship with your family? Yeah, you know, just like locusts. We are much about the same height and the same build and I guess they wanted someone with long hair. There was really very little dialogue between the two of you, but, you both presented a very strong relationship on film despite the lack of dialogue. you've got Scots running around half naked and even in a period piece about Indians, just take The Last of the Mohicans for example .. You've got European born actors recreating roles from over 200 years ago. Well, like I said, Red River has received a lot of attention in Europe and people have described it as beautiful. ignorance. I also am an adult survivor of abuse by my adoptive parents. Day Lewis. He didn't socialize. I said "You know what? rights, or land claims, or any of that, you have to start healing yourself. I believe you have been growing it for eight years? Then I thought about it and it's just that his work ethic is different than everybody else's. I have done bit parts in Bordertown and The Black Stallion. MP: OK, take all the movies you've been in if you could only be in one of them again, which one would it be? I: And I presume the Hurons were speaking French? It's really cool to just be watching a film and there's an Indian guy there or an Indian woman, and there's no reference to them being Indian you know .. it puts a more human face on us because people are so scared because of their own A few final comments. On days when it got really hot they would carry two or three guys off with the heat. Can you turn it into a greater good by reaching out to those kids? Born: June 19th 1967 Height: 6'2 Weight: 210lbs Eyes: brn Hair: blk Marital Status: none Heritage/Tribe: Inuit/German country: Canada We should be running around and, . not running around.. but we should be in, you know, suits.. like everybody else. in normal clothes. MP: I guess you believe that judgment on any society falls on how they treat their children and their elders? [Laughs] He just happened to be MOHICANS I don't Anyway, we were all downtown. private or he was. In an interview with ICTMN, Schweig discussed life experiences that have helped him to play his role in Blackstone, his belief in giving back to the community, and how he has obtained such success in his career. And, if there should be any activism it should be to talk to kids you see, if you're going to solve a lot of the problems within the Indian community, as far as civil 10 followers . Hopefully, his voice will be heard on this; his "activism" emulated. MP: Then they'll be there for future generations? of symbolic imagery. an Inuit duo! MP: When you watch the movie it seems as though you guys had bonded. Are you satisfied with the caliber and supply of Native acting talent these days? And you know, most of them are but where most of them will do 3 or 4 takes of something, whether it's a close up or an establishing shot he'll take 12 [laughs] . or 13. If there's any kind of panic, it started at the top with the producers. Perhaps things were twisted by the editing of the interview. MP: You feel like it left something undone in the relationship by cutting out the scene? And they did depict the "camp-followers" and "hangers-on" in a fairly realistic manner. We've been asked to extend to you an invitation to the gathering on behalf of these people. I: What were the good points about the film? All they want to do is restrict native roles to native people. Return To Part 1 Of ERIC SCHWEIG: AN INTERVIEW, See Eric As Uncas, From The DVD-version: UNCAS & ALICE, A cause dear to his heart, read: He is not an enemy, but Hawkeye's half-brother, Uncas (Eric Schweig), likewise armed with a musket. It's sort of, if you think about it, it kind of leaves the audience going, "How did all these guys He also creates his own designs and concepts. They found around 300 copperhead snakes and it took quite awhile to build the thing. All of this stuff is a direct connection between that and Blackstone and a lot of these topics come up in Blackstone. He's got a real character face. RIGHTS RESERVED - Use of material elsewhere - including text, images, and And I have to say that out of all the cast members, I think you gave a fine performance and we wanted to interview you primarily. And I love to be around the sets, learning things. ES: Well, no. It starts with the individual person. That If you don't love what you're doing then don't do it. Daniel, he's pretty laid back, to say the least. So, the more contemporary films we can do and be allowed to be a part of society and society's subconscious, then the better it will be. Nobody gives a ES: Yeah, but I understand the reason why. MP: Please correct me if I'm getting the wrong assumptions here. The James Fenimore Cooper book was fiction! ES: Well, you know, it's a period piece. MP: Do you remember what scene you were filming? You know, you can't just take a couple of whacks at it with an adze and take off for three weeks and come back and do it, it will take forever. like that. You know? I don't mind period pieces as long as it's something positive and not negative. Lots of it, and we have to control it. We wish him a lot of success in all his endeavors and thank him for taking the time to speak Anything that had to do with the fort . because it was hot in there and it was stuffy. Just like a long haired actor .. if the only thing anybody wanted him to play is a drug crazed hippie from the 60s, you know, You have to sit down and focus. E: Michael Mann was running around behind everyone in the editing room making them do it shouting, "What are you doing?". People from all over the world. Early life [ edit] Schweig was born in Inuvik, Northwest Territories. PATHFINDING || But there was some kind of beef with the production company and the North Carolina tourism division. But we are running out of actors and we need new blood. That's what I like to see. We have this image of . perpetual image of running around with battle axes and screaming and yelling .. and running around in loin cloths and hats. He was just all work, then go home. a half, two years ago, Jessica State . she was 9 or 10 years old, about 200 yards from a ball field full of people, she was raped and had her throat cut and one of her hands cut off. There are no subscriptions or costs. ES: If I'm not working, yep! They were troubled kids. Gorgeous Men. Put us into 1992 along with everyone else. That's how it has to be; even Freddy Krueger was the bastard son of 1000 maniacs. STOREFRONT || Eric Schweig is a Canadian born Inuit actor, who is best renowned for his work in the 1992 film, The Last of the Mohicans in which he stars as Chingachgook's son, Uncas. As you've read in the interview, a film project is likely to materialize. AMERICAN HISTORICAL SIMULATIONS Please Note: This interview is the property of Mohican Press. ADOPTION SPEECH DELIVERED BY ERIC SCHWEIG, An oldie, but goodie 1992 ERIC SCHWEIG INTERVIEW. good idea to have one of your masks displayed in the vicinity. Was it just a kiss? between walking around the different classes and hanging around the smoking area, it was .. they had a multi-culturalism program that they had figured out for themselves and they were promoting it. MP: Uncas. Then laughter] You know, MOHICAN PRESS There's not enough of us. We found the one-year teacher retention rate at GDL in 2010-2011 was 79%; Green Dot Locke teachers, overall, were more highly educated than their . You can find some of his films, including his two favorites, "Tom and Huck" and "Pontiac Moon", listed We're working on it. But any bonding that happened was probably at Many Hawks, this special operations camp. So, no, not to me. I'm into it. Did you enjoy being in the midst of all that awesome scenery and wilderness? You have to have some sort of sympathy or empathy for villains like otherwise. But we took care of them! MP: Is this role already accepted or is it something you're considering? I think it's called Across Continents, something like that, but it's [picture of the mask] right on the cover of it. something good there. It was probably [name omitted] He's the 1st AD. Do you see yourself as having an empathy with these kids, since you've walked in their shoes? Interesting as the article may be, it is so wrought with errors of fact, and of assumption, that it's hard to determine WHERE to begin. MP: A lot of people have been coming to our web site and checking out your masks. them in the first place. He was one of the leaders of the 70-day siege at Wounded Knee in 1973, an incident which arose out of an AIM dispute with federal and tribal authorities. I: I believe you are half-German and half-Inuit and you are involved with the Canadian Alliance and the Solidarity for Native People? They had a pool and a waterfall. Was there a challenge or was it a likeable role for you? Copyright 1997 - 2020 by 30 below weather. But I did a thing recently called Broken Chain, and I'll use that as a reference. He's the guy that showed us how to Or WE start making films of our own, which a lot of us has. You know .. especially the people that buy them. Running 5 to 8 miles a day. This is to be shot in Vancouver, if it all happens. Eric Schweig was born in Inuvik, Canada, on 19 June 1967. It would be wild to go to Moscow and find all these masks all over the place. I get to wear my hair in braids, a black bolero hat and chaps, and I get to ride! to see that kind of ugliness but it's the truth. MP: We've heard about those. It's about me and this guy his name is Christoph and he's from France. She was pretty nice, Jodhi's mom. Personal use on your own home PC is permissible! E: I've just finished this thing in Atlanta, Georgia, maybe two months ago, called Shenandoah. MP: Well, you'll have to tell us about it because we've not seen it. AMERICAN HISTORICAL SIMULATIONS HISTORY || I: The dialects in Mohicans what are they? effects - without our expressed, written permission, constitutes copyright That and the part where Alice jumps from the cliff are some of the finest in the film! It's cool, everything's cool. well, it's getting better, It was fun! with us. They made me dive from one canoe to another. All I expect from anybodyand this is what I like about Blackstoneis that people on the show can do their job. I had read up on it a little bit and I told him what had happened, what was going on, and naturally, he knew. The caliber and supply of native acting talent these days felt comfortable with him, and get! Times more than `` puppy love '' of actors and we did finish! 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